Babi2 is home with the chicken pox and I’m preparing for a tech workshop, sounds like a perfect combination!

If you can get hold of one, MaKey MaKey is a neat bit of kit which makes anything into a keyboard. It takes less than a minute to set up and the only limits to what you can do with it really are your imagination and the contents of your fruit bowl. Check out all the fun projects here.

I showed her how to connect it and loaded up the piano and bongos websites. She mastered those and then realised she could connect me up too, either by holding my hand or by having me hold onto a crocodile clip and then pressing my nose instead of the banana to play the notes!



Here at Babitech we are proud to support a London based kickstarter appeal for a digital inclusion network.

This is for kids who wouldn’t normally have access to new opportunities in technology because of their age, gender, perceived ability, ethnicity, knowledge or cost.

This will enable them to learn, make, create, gain skills, gain self confidence, gain self esteem and generally kick some digital ass.

Networks are designed to grow, as far as I’m concerned, London is just the starting point.

Watch the video, share everywhere and pledge if you can. Thank you.